The children are one of the biggest groups of risk when we speak about allergies. The smallest are exposes an environment loaded of allergens, include at home.
The most important in this cases, is to be alert for to detect any symptom related with the different allergies for to go to specialist as soon as possible to value the situation. So we can avoid that the condition worsens and go controlling pathology
The formulae for detect it is to see if when he is near to an animal have the usually reactions just like sneezes, itching, skin and eyes redness, or if have this symptom on dust areas. In this case, we are speaking about respiratory allergies, those living in teddies, carpets, pets and storages rooms. To remove dust accumulation you should move clean air opening the windows.
Meanwhile, the alimentary allergies can be detected by similar symptoms just like and indigestion, or because we see some rash or swelling. In this case is important remember what types of food has consumed on the last hours to narrow the possible allergens. For avoid this allergies the experts recommend feeding the baby breast milk at least until the fifth or sixth month. After this period the ideal is to gradually introduce the rest of the food to go checking the tolerance.
By last, exist one type of allergic on children called dermal and is caused by sweating given by excess coat. Ideally, cherishing them only what is necessary, depending on the season and use breathable clothing and specific gels for the age